Innokin iSub-B Sub Ohm Tank
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Innokin iSub-B Sub Ohm Tank - w/ Plex 3D Mesh Coil
If there’s one prevailing theme within the vaporizer community, it’s customization. As novices evolve into seasoned veterans, their desire to push the creative envelope typically only increases. As a result, it’s not unusual to find different setups among a group of end-users deploying the same platform.
Most vaping manufacturers encourage individual expression; however, Innokin veritably incentivizes it. With its groundbreaking technologies, effortlessly intuitive interface, and multiple options for personal customization, the legendary company has garnered fans across the world. Their latest product, the Innokin iSub-B Sub-Ohm Tank, carries forward this proud tradition.
Right from the get-go, the Innokin iSub-B Tank sets the tone for next-generation vaporizer platforms. This ridiculously-endowed sub-ohm tank is the first such product to utilize the all-new iSub Plex3D coil atomizer. What makes the Plex3D so special is that it incorporates an innovative 3D mesh design that draws less power, but still drives massive flavor and vapor production.
How do such seemingly contradictory elements work together? Innokin engineers integrated micro-grooves in the iSub Plex3D coil that are cut in a “perpendicular” fashion. As a result, this distinctive setup creates a larger surface area, which dramatically aids in the area of thermal conductivity and efficiency.
In other, lesser sub-ohm tank platforms, thermal acuity and responsiveness present significant challenges (not to mention frustrations) for the end-user. Often, the vaper must wait several seconds before their device heats their e-liquid to the desired temperature. Moreover, a lengthy cool-down period causes the tank to absorb unnecessary hot temperatures longer than desired.
With the Innokin iSub-B Sub-Ohm Tank, the Plex3D coil both heats and cools down with dramatic urgency. Not only does this aid in the user experience and enjoyment of the broader platform, the function helps extend the life of the coil. That’s particularly useful as atomizer coils (especially premium brands) aren’t the cheapest things in the world.
Beyond that, Innokin features specialized cotton and wood-pulp wicking. This structure is used to improve the flow rate of your choice e-juice, ultimately delivering outstanding richness in your sessions.
Further, the Innokin iSub-B Sub-Ohm Tank incorporates a generously-sized 3.0 ml capacity e-liquid reservoir. Even with frequent sessions, you should have enough efficiency and capacity to last you throughout the day. Better yet, if your draws become a little too exuberant, the iSub-B is a cinch to reload.
Similar to premium sub-ohm tanks in its lofty class, the Innokin iSub-B features an ultra-convenient top-fill design. Rather than having to unscrew the tank from its base, and deal with multiple moving parts, you simply slide the top cap away to reveal the reservoir port. From there, you drop in your favorite e-juice.
And don’t worry too much about overloading the chamber. With its transparent, rainbow-tinted borosilicate glass, it’s very easy to see how much liquid you’re loading. Moreover, the Innokin iSub-B features an anti-flood system. This convenient safety mechanism automatically activates a fill-shield, essentially mining flooding issues should they occur.
With all the features that Innokin includes in its advanced, ultra-sleek iSub-B, you’d expect the device to break the bank. But for years, Vapor Authority customers have counted on Innokin to bring the best, all at rock-bottom prices. Fortunately, we have a similar situation with their flagship sub-ohm tank.
Included in the iSub-B package are two iSub Plex3D 0.35 ohm Atomizer Heads. These atomizers represent some of the best work seen in the sub-ohm vaping world. With a power range between 30W to 55W, enthusiasts can expect robust flavors and delectably nuanced tones throughout their sessions.
In addition, the iSub-B features a world-class 510 resin wide-bore drip tip. Designed for maximum comfort and efficiency, the drip tip accentuates all the rich, powerful qualities that iSub-B possesses. Just to top things off, the drip tip also looks great, featuring bright, but dignified colors that you’ll be proud to show off.
Purchase iSub Replacement Coils for the Innokin iSub-B
Innokin iSub-B Sub-Ohm Tank Specifications:
Manufactured By: Innokin
Threading: 510
E-Juice Capacity: 3.0 ml
Body Material: Stainless Steel
Tank Material: Borosilicate Glass
Drip Tip Material: Resin
Available Atomizer Resistance: 0.35 Ohms
Recommended Wattage (0.35 Ohms): 30W — 55W
Diameter: 0.94 Inches (24 mm)
Innokin iSub-B Sub-Ohm Tank Includes:
1 x Innokin iSub-B Tank
2 x iSub Plex3D 0.35ohm Atomizer Head (Pre-installed)
1 x 4.0ml Replacement Bubble Glass
1 x Set of Spare Parts
Innokin iSub-B Sub-Ohm Tank Features:
Innovative iSub Plex3D system
Bold yet elegant design work
Includes two iSub Plex3D atomizer heads
High-quality 510 resin wide-bore drip tip
Compatible with Innokin iSub atomizer heads
Generously-sized 3.0 ml e-liquid reservoir
Advanced anti-flooding mechanism
Top-fill design featuring twist-off cap
Mesh coil with cotton and wood-pulp atomizers
Excellent construction standards
Rainbow tinted borosilicate glass
100% Innokin